Repeat Prescriptions

If you are taking tablets or medicine long term, your doctor may arrange for you to have repeat prescriptions. There are 3 ways to order your repeats:

The NHS App: Register to use this service by downloading the app via the App store or google play or find out more at This App allows patients to order repeat prescriptions quickly and confirms when your medication issued by your GP it should then be ready 2-3 days later at your chosen pharmacy meaning no need for any wasted journeys as you will know when it is ready! (To find out more please return to our homepage).

We do appreciate that not everyone has access to a smartphone so below is a further suggestions on how patients can request their repeat medication in future.

Order via online access on your PC, laptop, tablet or mobile phone: For patients who do not have a smartphone this is an ideal way of ordering repeat prescriptions online through your PC or tablet. Contact the practice and speak to the Care Navigation Team to register for this service.

Please order your medication no more than 7-10 days before your supply runs out. Those requests received earlier than 10 days will be rejected.  If you require your prescription early for good reason, perhaps you are going away on holiday for example, do please contact our prescription clerk to arrange.

14 days for patients using online pharmacies who post medications to patients.

We require a minimum of 2 full working days before you can collect your new prescription from your nominated chemist. EPS allows prescribers to send prescriptions electronically to a dispenser (such as a pharmacy) of the patient’s choice. This makes the prescribing and dispensing process more efficient and convenient for patients and staff and is also environmentally friendly as it does not require a paper prescription to be generated.  If you haven’t already nominated a chemist to collect your prescriptions from please speak with our Care Navigation team to do so.

From 1st April 2024, we have made the decision to remove the option to add a message to prescription requests made via the NHS app or patient access services. We have done this for patient safety reasons because not all messages received were purely medication related. If you have medication queries please either complete a Patient Triage request (via the home page of our website or via the NHS App), speak to your local pharmacist, one of our clinical pharmacists or arrange an appointment with your usual general practitioner.

See below for the practice URGENT prescription policy:

Urgent Prescriptions Policy January 2020