Thank you to our Patients

Dear Patient

Over the last few months you are likely to have noticed a difference in the way things are being done in general practice as we manage the COVID 19 pandemic.

We want to start by saying thank you.

Thank you for adapting so quickly to these new ways of working- it has been the drastic, yet fundamental, change needed to ensure the safety of patients and staff.

To slow down the spread of COVID 19, we have worked to reduce the number of people coming into the practice by using online consultation system Econsult (available via the NHS App or on our website at, telephone and video consultations.

We strongly recommend all our patients download the NHS App at this time.

While we continue to ask that patients do not visit the GP practice unless specifically asked to do so the App will allow patients to request repeat prescriptions, know when they are ready for collection at the pharmacy of their choice and access the Econsult online consultation more easily.

Our top priority is, and has always been, to keep both Patient’s and our staff safe while ensuring patients continue to receive the care they need.

This is why we ask that all patients continue what you have been doing to access your GP service.

If you need assistance call the practice and speak to a member of our Care Navigation Team who will help guide you to the best possible help for your need or use the NHS App for online services. This will mean patients get the right care from the right clinician much quicker. You can speak with a clinician over the phone, via online consultation or by video consultation.

If a clinician does need to see a patient in person they will be given an appointment time to attend the practice and given advice on how to do so safely.

Only coming into the surgery when asked to do so means:


  • You will be seen promptly
  • You are reducing your risk of catching/ spreading COVID 19 by avoiding a waiting room.
  • You are helping to keep NHS staff healthy and safe.
  • The practice is able to maintain a clean environment and protect you from the virus.

A home visiting service is still available to patients who are unable to leave their home.

As well as the usual doctors and nurses the practice has a range of other clinicians who may be better placed to help you depending on your medical or social need.

Wellbeing Wednesday– The practice has social prescribers and a wellbeing advisor in practice who can help patients with social and mental health issues. They are able to help connect patients with community based sources of support which can work a long side clinical treatment to improve health and wellbeing.

Physiotherapy– We have a physiotherapist working in practice three days a week offering telephone triage and video consultations to patients with new back and joint pain problems. Our physiotherapist can offer assessment, management plans, follow up and onward referral if necessary.

To find out more about these services please contact the practice and speak with our Care Navigation Team.

We continue to also offer a range of appointments in the evenings and at weekends via our Badger Farm surgery.

Thank you once again for your support and understanding as we all adapt to a new way of working while being true to our practice vision “Working together to provide a brighter future through better healthcare.”


Kind regards


Marc Dryden Managing Partner & The Friarsgate Team